本文主要是记录一下参与了”Why Multicultural Teams are More Successful” Meetup的过程,以及从中学习到的方法心态。
从业到现在,笔者体验了多个多文化的team,经历了很多事情,中间涉及到一些负面情绪的时候,一直以为都是自己的一些小情绪或者一些小不适应而已。但是却从来没有仔细考虑一下这中间涉及到的技巧与方法。 跟着讲师一起体验的Why Multicultural Teams are More Successful的workshop之后,才发现其实自己的这些实例,是非常普遍的,甚至可以有一系列对应措施的。
- 为什么多元文化的团队更成功?
- 三个练习
- 总结
1. 为什么多元文化的团队更成功?
学习+ 全球视角的发展。
- better in attracting top talent
- improved customer orientation
- more employee satisfaction
- better decision making
2. 【练习一】Recreating a Picture
- 进行分组,两个人为一组
- 两个组员背对背坐着,分发给他们不一样的图片
- 两个组员一分钟内,熟记这个图片,中间不得交流
- 收回图片,然后给每个组一张纸,让他们画出自己满意的图形
3. 【练习二】The Value of Diversity
- 会说4种语言,但是不会说德语(目前在德国,所以德语为主)
- 19岁时候大腿受伤,之后行走困难
- 从小生活在偏远的农村,在农场里生活。
两个人一组,相互讨论的关键词,思考着这些人的优点,以及他能给团队带来的不一样的地方。最后大家集思广益,不同的组贴出了不同的词,放眼望去, 整面墙上,都是这三个人能给我们带来的积极的正面的能量。
4. 【练习三】Trust Factors
- 他的哪些行为会让你trust他?
- 他的哪些行为会让你觉得不太好?
- 你的哪些行为会让他trust你?
5. 总结
面三个练习之后,你会觉得,好像就是练习了一下,直到最后讲师画龙点睛的串到一起。是的,我们平常跨文化team的工作中,很多时候回遇到上面的场景,上面让你实践的练习就是最好的技巧与方法。下面是最后讲师给出的cheat sheet:
1. Always be aware of your own point of view - the lens through which you view of world.
2. Put your foucus on the benefits that cultural differences bring and see the individual strengths of your team members. Respect your team members and their different approached.
3. Find creative solutions to work with diversity. Do not aim for "good" or "bad" solutions - there are always several ways to reach goals.
4. Cultural models are based on generalisations and can never recompass all aspects. They are provide guidelines. BNeverthless are cultural differences real - resist the temptation to minimise or deny them.
5. Increase your awareness for cultural trust factors, but also
recognise the individual personality traits of your team members. This is always a balancing act.
6. Find common ground for the time factor within your team and do not forget your own cultural background.
7. Pay attention to the realistic goals and targets. Working within muticultural teams means that all members have to step out of their comfort zone. This takes time.
8. Develop the ability to listen actively to your team members. Sharpen your awareness of nuances of language and nonverbal cues. Learn to "read between the lines"
9. Put your own assumptions about other cultures repeatedly to the test. Evaluate as little as possible, ask a lot, show curiosity and genuine interest in your team members.
10. Expand your knowledge about other cultures on a constant basis - go travelling, learn languages and meet new people from around the world.
上面的三个练习分别对应cheat sheet的第1,2,5点。