本文主要是根据Consulting Skills Traning中的Case Study的模块内容,进行阐述说明,并重点指出一些其中的”技巧”。
- 概述
- 初始会议
- 信息收集
- 演讲
- 个人咨询风格
记得入职的时候,和我一起面试的小伙伴还问了TW和外包公司的区别,其实说到底是性质的区别。作为一个公司的Consultant,一直以来在做delivery的事情,刚好前段时间公司提供了培训机会,就报名参与了这个两天的Consulting Skills Training。
workshop开始,先暖场。先给每个人分发一张纸,写下自己的名字 角色和自己期望的收获。然后找到自己从来没有一起工作的人,交换A4纸,向他解释A4纸的内退。然后通过大家相互介绍的方式,介绍在场的各位。
Case Study
Say No to client
Personal Consulting style
四、初始会议(Init Client Meeting)
1. 初始会议的目标
- 建立和谐的客户关系
- 理解客户的情况和需求
- 确定项目范围和限制
- 接触相关人员和资源
- 如何定义成功
- 展示表现你能力的证据
- 同意接下来的步骤
2. 初始会议计划
3. 会议Checklist
1) 准备会议
- 确认会议时间
- 收集背景信息
- 准备问题列表
- 确定会议的目标
- 自我介绍
- 建立和谐关系
- 确认对会议目的的理解
- 确认客户有多长时间参与该会议
- 询问是否可以记笔记
- 解释你将使用的咨询步骤
- 确认你所要有的资源
- 不要做出过分承诺
- 总结客户的需求
- 解释接下来的安排
- 安排下一次会议进行回顾提议和计划
- 确认会议的理解,可以通过发邮件的方式
- 创建项目文档保存所有的相关文件
- 准备项目提议和计划
4. 初始会议问题列表
Higher level questions…
- Where would you like to see your part of the business heading over the next 3 to 5 years?
- What would you like to be able to achieve? What are the top 3 priorities?
- From your perspective in the business, what would success look like?
- What successful things are our competitors doing that we aren’t?
- What isn’t currently happening in the business that should be happening?
- Is there anything that is currently happening in the business that shouldn’t be happening?
- What should the new systems help you accomplish that isn’t currently being accomplished?
- How will the new systems change the way you are doing things now?
- Who are the main groups of people (or functions) in this part of the business who will use or rely on these systems? Who else is impacted by these systems?
- Is there anyone else you believe we should be talking to about what they need out of the new systems?
More detailed, lower level questions…
- What are the critical things you need to be able to achieve in this part of the business?
- What are the measures of success in this part of the business
- What is currently limiting your ability to fully achieve this?
- What questions do you need to be able to answer in your part of the business?
- What things should the new systems enable you to do?
- Where are the current obstacles in existing systems? What impact do these obstacles have?
- Are there any other things you need to be able to do that the current systems prevent you from doing? What are they? Could you give me a recent example? Could you describe what happened? How do you believe the new systems should address this?
- What do you believe the new systems should do (or allow you to do) to help you? Could you give me an example? How big an impact would this have on your ability to achieve your business goals?
5. 技巧
Get the client talking quickly “Before we begin, are there any things in particular you would like to be able to achieve in this meeting?”
Open questions “Who, What, Why, Where, When, Which, How…” “To what extend…?”
Probing questions “In what way?” “Could you give me an example of what you mean by…?”
Clarify “So, what you are saying is…” “Do you mind if I check my understanding. So…is that right?”
Ask the difficult questions “Do you mind if I ask…?”
Understand the objective “What would success look like?” “What should be hanppening that isn’t currently happening?” “How will you be measuring the success of this initiative?”
Manage expections “There are a number of things we might not able to address…”
Respond to difficult issues “Could I get back to you with…”
Summarise the next steps “We would like to prepare and discuss with you our draft plan for…”
五、信息收集(Information Gathering)
1. 会议Checklist
1) 准备会议
- 确认会议时间
- 收集背景信息
- 准备问题列表
- 确定会议的目标
- 自我介绍
- 建立和谐关系
- 确认对会议目的的理解
- 解释这次会议对他们的作用和影响
- 询问是否可以记笔记
- 处理关系障碍
- 询问具体的事情
- 解释接下来的安排
- 保持大门的敞开
3) 会议之后
- 感谢他们,通过发邮件的方式感谢他们的时间
- 分析结果,保存到项目文档中
2. 技巧
Take charge quickly “Firstly, can I ask you what you know about the purpose of this initiative/meeting and why we are here?”
Ask permission to interrupt “Do you mind if I ask a question?” “Could I take you back to an earlier point you mentioned?…”
Get back to the topic “Whay impact is that currently habing on (the objective)?” “In what way is that affecting…?”
Draw out structure/specifics “What are the top 3 priorities?” “Could you give me an example of what you mean by..?”
Use agenda or question list “Could I given you a copy of the issues we would like to discuss”
Ask for peaks and thoughts “Which area is performing partiticularly well?” “Which areas would you say are average or below average?”
Get access to people “Who would be the best person to talk wo about…?”
Use time as a weapon “How are we doing for time…?”
Keep the door open “Id we have any other quesrions could we get back in touch?”
Get them talking “So how much do you know about rhis initiative and why we are here?”
Make them feel important “We would like to draw on your considerable experience…” “You are the expert in…”
What’s In It For Me (WIIFM) “This is your opportunity to have your say” “This is your opportunity to help set the future direction of…”
Confidentiality / Anonymity “We report in summary only” “Our feedback is anonymous”
Begin with “successes” “Whay is working particularly well?” “What are your recent successes?”
Ask how you might help “What would you like to see as a result in this initiative?”
“Borrow the client’s watch” “How would you improve…?” “What things would you change?”
Address obstacles to rapport “I sense you are not totally confortable with… Can I ask what is worrying you?”
Ask for a tour? (They may be more comfortble and relaxed here)
1. 典型框架
- Objective
- Dis
- Found
- Recommend
- Next Steps
2. 会议Checklist
1) 准备会议
- 确认会议时间
- 结果是否有”惊喜”?
- 你准备如何处理困难问题?
- 检查你的提议和计划,看看你是否完成了你承诺的事情
- 使用工具或者模型(”7S”或图表)帮助你的客户理解结果
- 评价你下你的推荐,如果没有推荐的解决方案,那就推荐如何找到解决方案的过程
- 从客户的角度看待这个问题,想象他们可能会问的问题
- Dry-run你的演讲
- 介绍自己和团队
- 意外的改动、人、事情
- 从项目的目标开始说起
- 说明你做了什么
- 先处理困难的问题
- 管理他们的期望
- 准备定量的数据和定性的定性的结论
- 观察客户的肢体语言
- 在关键时候邀请客户提出问题
- 在接下来的步骤上获得客户同意
- 跟踪会议中间出现的问题
3. 技巧
Pre-warn about surprises 在正式眼睛之前先和客户讨论一下
Anticipate difficult questions 如果你是客户,你会问什么困难的问题?
Agreed view on grey areas 尽量不要和同事发生矛盾,在是否需要的问题上进行讨论。
Be prepared for a “Yes” 如果我们得到了客户的同意,接下来的步骤是什么?
Pre-empty difficult issues “We don’t have all the answers…”
Answer the real question “We believe we have sufficient data to give us a sound basis for action”
Test client’s agreement “What are your thoughts on…”
Getting client agreement?